The Highly Valued Leader Podcast

076: How To Work With People You Don’t Trust 2.0

Mel Savage

I want to give you a way to trust everyone you work with, and be able to use that trust to your advantage to get the job done more effectively and also build more useful relationships with people by...

  • redefining what trusted relationships at work actually mean to you
  • giving you a four-step process that you can use that allows you to ‘trust’ anyone and use that trust to get the job done effectively

I got to say, I wish someone had told me this strategy years ago. I wish I did not have to figure this one out the hard way. For some of you, this is going to be like instinct, you just get it.

When you’re ready to become a top-performing leader, book a leadership strategy session to see if executive coaching is right for you. You’ll learn to simplify your leadership style while amplifying your value inside my 1-1 coaching program.

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