The Highly Valued Leader Podcast

004: How to Figure Out What You Want in Your Career

Mel Savage Episode 4

Let’s talk about the #1 thing that people want to figure out.

Before you start filling out questionnaires and doing assessments, check out this episode. We're unlocking the process to untangle your next career move and making sure it's all about YOU – your strengths, your passions, and your happiness. And most importantly, making a decision that truly fits you.

I'm dishing out all the key questions you've got to wrap your head around and walk you through how to tackle them. I guarantee new insights and aha moments! Best part? Dive into the exercises I’ve got lined up, and your career path will be clearer than ever.

Once you listen to this podcast, head over to the show notes @ and share your feedback and new insights.  I'm looking forward to hearing all about it!